Sketching dreams together

Reflections from CIVICUS’ youth co-design workshop in Montevideo. In December, as part of my work researching the resourcing landscape for youth-led civil society, I had the chance to witness and participate in a youth co-design workshop in Montevideo. For CIVICUS, organising this workshop meant bringing together wisdom and lessons learned about working meaningfully with young […]

Unraveling ourselves: A heart-body-soul research on ourselves

How can I give myself permission to change and grow? And as I change, how do I contribute to the system surrounding me? Who am I to the social system I struggle to accept? Am I supposed to resist it? If so, how does that influence the mosaic of my nerves, flesh, feelings, aspirations, and day-to-day […]

El futuro que nos atrevemos a crear – The future we dare creating.

** English follows Spanish ** Queridos amigos y colegas de Plata, Cultura y Cambio, Son las nueve y media de la mañana y estoy sentada en nuestra oficina, decidiendo cómo invertir mi día. En el tablero hay muchas notas; Entre ellas esta de Carla, que me calentó el corazón. Llevo la conciencia que una fase […]


In a sort ‘who am I and what the hell is going on’ moment.

Walk with our utopia

[youtube] Dear Dounia and Nikki, We have been friends for 9 years now. Hurrah! I was thinking how funny it is that throughout the years we have never stopped sharing tips on how to stay centered in ourselves, how to find our own way to express ourselves and exist in this society. My PhD […]