I recently published a playbook

I collaborated with CIVICUS to write a playbook featuring 7 stories of young organisers from Latin America and Africa sharing their experience resourcing their civil society work.

I also write to heal, to communicate, to live. My favourite form of prose?Writing emails to special people.

I’m researching.

I am the director of Research of Recrear International

We carry out research using creative writing, all sorts of different theatre techniques, movement, and painting, amongst others.

The heart of my work is researching the world with a small group of people and constructing knowledge by having it pass through our experiences, emotions, and encounter with the other.

Resilient Realities

I am coordinating Resilient Realities, a project that brings together 12 youth co-researchers around the world to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth civil society and identify the kind of resourcing and support needed to strengthen the youth response and recovery.Resilient Realities strives to create dialogue and collectively generate and analyze data. The collaboration between 12 co-researchers spread across 6 continents seeks to understand what it looks like to be a young activist in this moment of uncertainty, confusion, and becoming. 


El Juego

I live with el Juego, a multicultural, healing community based in San Rafael, Colombia. Living and growing together with a group of 30 people of differing ages, backgrounds and nationalities, we hold the shared intention of resolving conflicts on an individual, social and global level.Here, healing is a constant and collective process: our day-to-day conflicts are the material we use to continuously develop and grow our methods and heal in tandem. I am learning to step away from any philosophy, any cookie-cutter way of seeing the world. 

Personal development:

I am learning how to play the ukulele and finding my voice with the best Teacher (with capital T) ever.

Gioel photo for site - webQ