More Bombs. #syriavote

Dear Gioel,

Tonight, the British Parliament authorized airstrikes in Syria 

397 to 223.

More bombs. Bombs that kill

Bombs that destroy








They’ll destroy anything, but ideas.

How do bombs even work nowadays?

Still like they did when they taught us in school

humanity fucked up in the previous war?


Are we proud of these wars?

Do they get added to our resume?

Do they make the economy go around?

All of this while we are supposed to be sitting together to talk about

how we are going to become more humble to the planet.

Huble to our mother!

We could dance.

We are going to let this happen again….

We posses.

Take it. Use it. Throw it away.

I just bought pita and hummus from Tesco.

5 slices of pita bread wrapped in hard plastic.

It says: ‘not currently recycled’.

Mountains of individually packaged pita bread…

The train tells me:

‘Keep smiling. Saving with us is safe, secure and easy’.

The commercial add is in green.

The only thing we want to save is money.

I want to rise.

I want to love so deeply to transcend my personal wars.


have compassion for the sharks.

Have compassion for humanity,

have compassion for the cow in the box of the ‘farm’.

For the Syrian people, have compassion.

For myself, compassion.

Have compassion for Tesco.

‘Putting a good face to the weather’
Roberto Castillo Boza, Habana (Cuba)